Everything You Need To Know About Repacked Dry Food For Pets
Repacking of dog food has always been a contentious issue in the pet industry. The root of which largely stems from the scarcity …
Hailing from the Philippines, the founder – Rachelle Schwaebe grew up around various adorable pets ranging from birds and white mice to canines, roosters and kitties.
This instilled a deep sense of empathy for the animals whereby they became more than just a pet, like a cherished family member. Needless to say, when you love someone like your own, you make sure they get everything they deserve.
She fed them premium food, adorned them in amazing accessories and invested in the right healthcare products so they would be happy pets for as long as possible.
Repacking of dog food has always been a contentious issue in the pet industry. The root of which largely stems from the scarcity …